Wednesday, April 30, 2008Y
woke up at 630.. and left home at 702
super tired!! last night slept at 1130...
sharon didnt go school today... so everybody was like
asking me why she didnt come...
hahhahx... why ask me??
cox we're CLOSE mahx!! hahah lols...
anw, first period of the day was CRS!!
urgh!! soooo.. boring and
shit lar....
dunno how to say it but... ... jiu dun like lorx...
all of us dun like CRS!!
den the last period of the day... which is the second period
of the day... is CPPA...
sat with the qingwen and siew yang...
siew yang was dame sian lar
and asking me to entertain him.. and he keep
playing with my highlighters lar.. lols..
and and and... ask me to take out my bangle... and
intend to wear it... it too small for his hand...
but qing wen can wear lorx.. OMG!!
CPPA should end at 12 de.. but dunno how come
end at 11... hahahhx.. but shoik!! =)
after CPPA, went to FC3 for lunch..
with siewyang qingwen belinda faris peishing aysha
ngukneng yenxin jeanie deborah and joshen...
a lot arx!!! hehehe...
and then, i was very stress lar... siewyang keep making
me laugh and following and observing the way i
eat, how come i ate so slow lar... lols...
he wanted to write a report on....
how come siman eat so slow... lols... ahhahahah...
den, everyone finish liao and i
still left with one quarter of it lar... OMG!!!
den siewyang keep disturbing me
lar... den the others watching
me eat... wah!! dame stressful lar... not the first time..
after lunch, went back to YCS...
reach around 1pm... den went G.O to take my
cert... after that called ms lee and take
some stuff from her...
den wait for nuer and leanne until 130...
den go JP eat...(with them) hahahhax... ...
nuer suddenly say she having stomach pain... OMG!!
so we were like telling her dun run for X-ctry later,
if not u faint jiu bad liao... and so... went back to
school and tell ms irene lee about it...
and she help out lor..
saw mr leung... so talk to him... he said... im
his one and only 5N student that fulfill his wish and
went to SP chemical process technology...
lols... hahahhahx... ...
left YCS around 5 and went home
with weitian...
when i reached home, was so tired that i actually
fall aslp while sitting on the chair lar..
lols... slept for around 1hour like
that and my dad wake me up when he reached home...
after that after that... someone
help me massage my back sia.. wahahhaha..
sooo SHOIK!!! =D
Thursday, April 24, 2008Y
Wednesday, April 23, 2008Y
sampai bilakah dapat aku bersandar kepada seseorang?
i really cannot take it anymore!!!
today ate porridge for dinner because not
feeling well... no appetite to eat... ...
maybe because this few days de problem bahx... ...
worrying too much...
sampai bilakah depat aku bersandar kepada seseorang?
Monday, April 21, 2008Y
have being trying not to think
aboout it...
in school,
have my source of entertainment
my friends, 1A01, teachers, during lesson
making myself busy...
and i manage to not to think
about it....
but when i reached home, alone...
everything came out again...
im thinking about it...
worrying... ...
Sunday, April 20, 2008Y
IN THE END... ...
it still came..
the thing i fear still came... ...
have being trying to avoid it... ...
but in the end...
it still came... ...
i dun like this!!!
wanted to help but a lot of things came across
my mind... ...
[1Husband 5Wife]
althought they say not to worry...
do u think i can STOP worrying??
even if u say possible, i dun think i can!!
because that not me!!
u cant ask me to stop worrying when i know
what happen etc... ... and even u say
'i got an idea' or what.. telling me
it going to be solve liao..
i will still continue worrying...
because the whole thing is not over yet!!
i will only STOP when things
has really completly OVER/SOLVE!
really feel helpless sometime..
why things just cant go the way we want???
how i wish im still
a three years old girl... ...
need not have to worry about anything,
fearing anything... ...
their mindset is so innocent
their mind only have
they just have to sit down there...
and things will just come without even
saying anything... ...
sometime i really hope to disappear to a place
that is really really peaceful!! need not have
to worry about anything...
a totally peaceful place... ...
些事?? 而且是不停的。。。
leaning shoulder!!
Friday, April 18, 2008Y
today amirah birthday!!
anw, celebrate her birthday after school..
we finish school at 12pm and just nice the last lesson
is mr ho(our tutor) lesson. so manage to ask him
along and celebrate together =)
this celebration doesnt seems to be a surprise!! =(
amirah seems to know it.. haix..
didnt really plan this properly, that because...
it a last min planning.. hahahx.. but in the end still
success lar.. =)
after celebration, sharon, jeremey, joshen,
nguk neng, pei shing, deborah and me went to FC3
and have our lunch... we agree that after lunch go moberly
play pool de.. but in the end i didnt go..
went to SCS and look for guardian.. have something to
discuss with him..
so guys, really sorry that i last min say i not going pool liao.
not purposely de... SORRY SORRY!!
reached SCS at around 1.20..
quan and ng not working in SCS anymore.. =(
sobsob.. so sad!! next time wanna look for them will be
very difficult liao.. stay so far.. sobsob ='(
anw, have a nice chat with guardian although it really
feel weird without those two za bo around..
then, guardian think so highly of me sia.. hahahx..
OMGoodness.. i say i wanna do volunteery and
he just agree without even thinking about the
criteria lor..
[dun thinnk that volunteery no criteria de hor!
not everyone can do volunteer work de.. have to see
a lot of stuff like personality etc especially this is
student care.. there's children.. and soo....(this is what
guardian told me.. )]
why guardian straight away agree???
because he know me since sec2. and soooo.
then he started to say all my good personality which
i myself dun even know... ... i didnt actually
realise all this lorx..
but something i really really HAPPY is that guardian say
i actually qualified to be part of them.. being a
counsellor, a social worker... hehehe =D he say
i got the potential to be one.. OMG OMG!!! hahaha =D
so good so good =)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008Y
today is the third day of poly life's...
how izzit??? hmmm.. actually it not bad after all..
but sometimes it really kinda tiring..
walking here and there to different classes..
having to wake up early somedays as school starts at 8.
having to go home most of the time at 5.
but overall... ok lorx.. not bad.. hahah;P
this three days with the class was GREAT and FUN!!
den dunno how come sharon become my 'dada'
nguk neng become my 'honey'
wahahhahah.. ;P
so many worx....
dear, lao gong, dada, honey.. hahaha;P
there's also...
mummy, mama, mother..
OMGoodness!!! =P
anw, started having project work.. it AE&E project..
sharon, jeremy, shi jie and me one group..
research on carbon nanotubes.. urgh!!!
dunno what is it.. OMG!!
really really fast!! haven even have any lesson
on AE&E and there's project liao.. OMG!!!
izzit GOOD or BAD???
tmr is going to be a long day..
from 8 to 5.. having 2 hour break only..
but there's practical.. and for the first week of school,
there's no practical lesson.. only briefing which
takes up around half an hour.. so means tmr will
have longer break.. seems good..
but.... dun really know what to do... urgh!!!!
Monday, April 14, 2008Y
today first day of school.. alarm rang at 720 and i actually
sleep longer until 735 =) really really tired!! woke up and
found that im having muscle ache on my hand... urgh!!!
now still kinda pain.. haix... izzit because of ytd??
but i dun rmb there's anything that could have cause
my hand to be like that..??..
anw, met sharon at mrt station at 845. and went to T245
this time we're not late but the tutor is late.. our first
lesson for the day is taught by mr chan.. a chemistry
lecture.. and our first lesson.. we revise mole conc...
i really forgotten all about it liao.. can only rmb some
of the calculation method.. think this few days really
gonna go revise all my science liao.. urgh!!!!
anw anw, tdy didnt really follow the timetable.. we start
lesson on time but end earlier then usual time.. hahaha..
isnt it goodd?? woohooo.. tdy got practical. but because
it the first day, so only go for practical briefing which is
just around half an hour.. so tdy was like alot of break
before the next lesson start.. and we dont really know
what to do and where to go.. so boring.. and then and then
the last lesson is lecture.. start at 3pm and suppose to
end at 5 but we end at 4.. that cool man.. can go home
earlier to REST!! really super duper wooper tired!!!
during the first break, which is 10am, we went to FC3
and have our breakfast. then i msg XL ask her whr is
she.. and she was also at FC3.. and was ALONE!! OMG!
XL ah XL... acting emo de.. didnt go talk with her
classmates.. haix... dun wanna make frenx..
at YCS she not like that de worx.. OMG!!! XUELI!!
and then, MX come.. she go reborn her hair sia!!
OMG!!!! i though she say her mother dun let her
reborn but dunno how come she reborn her hair?!
she say.. dunno how come they go into the saloon
and then dunno how come reborn the hair liao...
LOL -.-'''
next, during the third break, went back to FC3 to have
lunch... that time was around 130.. if im not wrong..
and then i met huilin, my pri school friend.. and such
a coincident, she's also studying DCP!! but this was her
second year cox she's express.. OMG!! the whole is like
so small sia.. able to met my primary school friends.
hahahhax... and studying the same course.. hahahahax..
hmmm.. sharon... kinda going to fall sick liao.. =(
she was having slight headache... kinda body ache..
having flu soon...
blue blue gal ah blue blue gal!!!
Thursday, April 10, 2008Y
ytd night was... haix... was really SHOCK to hear that..
OMG!!! didnt expect her to do something like that..
her behaviour doesnt seems weird... she was like normal,
doing her evryday stuff. went home play com, joke
around with dad and me, didnt give the emo look...
but ytd... heard that... OMGoodness.. really!! SHOCK!!
and i feel... ...
anw.. today having flag day. ytd stuff... after some brain
storming.. kinda okay liao=) so tdy, im smiling all the way
and was also tired. 1A01 went to city hall, we should be
at hougang de.. but dunno how come change to city hall.
it not a very good place to ask for donation. they dun
really donate de.. the best place is to go to HDB estate
area.. they will donate.. more ppl will donate..
those who u approached.. most of them will donate..
not like city hall area.. those office area. they wont!
although we catch the morning crowd at city hall, still
unable to really collect much fund there. around 10plus,
there's actually not many people around there le..
all are at office working liao.. our class decide to go for
breakfast cum lunch at rafffles city food junction..
it a big group of people man! our class got 22 people.
hahahhah.. and then and then.. after eating, we decided
to go to HDBestate area whereby there are more hope
in getting fund!! so we went seperate way.. some went
to jurong east interchange, some clementi, some dover.
sharon, nurul and me went to clementi.. and thanks to
that, i manage to collect $31. if we continue staying in
city hall.. really no hope de.. hahhahx.. most of my
donation all come from clementi area.. hahahhax..
den at clementi.. sharon and me met something rather
funny. got this ah ma... super duper wooper cute ah ma..
asking whether still raining anot (in hokkein)...
den we say no but it going to rain again soon...
we ask her where is she going and she say opp(her hse)
so we bring her there.. sharon help ah ma hold her stuff
and i hold ah ma hand, den ah ma say NVM but she hold
sharon hand super duper wooper tight... lol... when we
reached the roadside she say she wanna take cab cox
she dun wanna walk and her hse was like just oppsite...
so we help her hire taxi... and it seems to start raining,
we take out a file to let ah ma cover her head...
and then and then, the file drop onto the floor and she...
was so cute and funny lorx.. she tap sharon hand and
point onto the floor (saying that the file drop)... lol..
next, got this weird uncle standing beside us together
with a indian couple with a trolley full with things..
hiring a taxi.. a taxi approached and the uncle let the ah ma
board the taxi and then, sharon and me went back up...
we were curious about this uncle and so we stand and watch
what the uncle actually have to do with the indian couple..
and guess what?? the uncle actually help them hire a taxi
and put the stuff into the taxi and pushed the trolley back
to NTUC!! OMGoodness... ... should i say the uncle is kind
or??? how should i rate this uncle?? lol...
anyway, anyway, left clementi around 230 and
reached school around 245. after everybody was here
and finish counting the amount of money raised,
we class 1A01 sitted in a 'circle' and start to intro
ourselves=) 1A01 was like so hyper! OMG!!
hahahh.. but that good! =) a hyper class is better
than a quiet and non interesting class.
think 1A01 will be a good class to be in =) will
enjoy being in this class bah.. =) hopefuly!!!!
next next.. went to SP welcome party @ concourse...
urgh. not fun lor. was boring.. OMG!! haix.. it started at
5pm. and we went back one hour later.. really boring man
nothing much... the we is [ mx, yx, pei shing, yen xin,
nguh neng, amirah, nurul, sharon and me ]
hehehehehex ;P
Wednesday, April 9, 2008Y
today woke up at 740 and prepared to go meet mx&yx
at jurong point mrt at 830.. in the end.. guess wad??830..
im still at home.. OMG! aint i pro?? hahah.
anyway, reached bedok at 950 and saw vicky neo
somewhere at one particular corner which is not easy
to be spotted. hahah.. and it was actually yx who spotted
her.. lol... and then monica still at home.. and she say she
got direct bus to park way parade and so we went there
de mac and wait for her(eat and wait for her). hahhaa.
went to East Coast Park at around 11plus and rent a
bic at 12 and ride for 2 hour.. until im now actually
having lobster at my hand.. ahhahah.. and it was like
super duper wooper nice one! front and back of my
hand was like so different. really really different colour.
one was so dark another was like so fair.. hahahhax..
lol.. anw, this coming sunday will be even darker..
going class(5n2)outing at sentosa.. OMG!!!
getting darker man.. hahhahx.. gonna wait for quite
sometime to wait for my dark skins to turn back to
my normal skin colour which i like. hahhax.. haix..
tmr having flag day.. rasing money for .P.C.
our class(1A/01) suppose to go hougang de...
but dunno how come class rep msg and say change
location to city hall.. so just go lor.. since class rep
say so.. hahahhx.. follow the rules.. ?? izzit?? haha lol.
and it gonna be another sweaty day for me! urgh!
after flag day still have the welcome party...
dun really know much detail about this particular stuff.
nobody actully really say anything about this party stuff
haix.. was totally blank about this party!! hahahx... lol
Tuesday, April 8, 2008Y
today SPICE training starts at 9 and we're late.
sharon, amirah, hui xian and me are all late for 25 mins.
sharon and me reached dover mrt at 84oplus like that.
and we waited for amirah and hui xian until 910.
den we walk to T324 for the training things.. and.......
was really far man... that why we're late for so long also..
have to find the place located.. haix.. but when we reached
the room the thing just started only.. but also when we
reached the room it being fully occupied, no more space
to be sitted.. so have to go to other class de room and
do SPICE training with them.. sharon and me go into the
same room, we share with DBS people. amirah and hui xian
go to another room.. i dunno share with which school.
hmmm. this SPICE training rather boring lorx.. teaching
you how to use and other stuff of SP website and things
related to SP website stuff like the sas and esp stuff..
so really boring lorx.. but it GOOD that it actually end
early. should have end at 12 but we finish at 11. so decided
to go CLS and take a look but didnt open.. no one there yet
so went to food court5 and have our lunch..
was super hungry..
and then finish eating, i decided to go look for kwee mei
and meet her and pei her during her one hour break time
which is at 1pm. so i rush to
science centre(where she work at).. by the time i reached
there was alr 115 liao.. and i didnt expect that WT & lynn
was there too. hahhahah.. but that's good larx. the more
the merrier and quite sometime didnt meet out liao.. =)
and also i get to get mummy contact no from WT as
because of some problem her old no was... ... ...
msg mummy when gotten her no and get to know that
she's going back to study liao =) so happy for her!
YIPPEE!!!!! =)
then, kwee mei they all have to go back work liao.. and
lynn and me went into science centre FOC! hahahahx..
because of some reason FOC!! got familiar people there!
thinking about it.. my last time stepping into science
centre was actually 2 years ago.. ahahhaha..
the first thing we go see was the chicks... OMG!!! hahah.
the chicks were sooooo kawaii!!! OMGoodness =)
there's actually one egg hatching.. half way thru liao...
lynn and me stand there waiting for it to hatch for almost
one hour but it still didnt hatch!! urgh.. it only shows it...
RED beautiful small little leg all the time.. lol.. hahah =)
yi wei able to see it hatch for the first time in my life butin the end didnt get to see it.. think it still wanted to stay inside the egg shell for afew more hours before it actuallywanted to come out and play.. lol. hahah ;Pthen reached home at around5 and started to doprepmath and now have alr finish half of the lesson liao..aint i fast?? lol hahahax.. ;P tmr meeting mx yx mon and vic for cycling at EC at 930gonna be a FUN day and going to enjoy this outing!! =)enjoy playing before school really really start!! hhahaha;P school will be starting in less than a weeks time.. wondering how will it be like when school started...alot of things will actually change bah?? doesnt it???i think it is.. it would.. life will change to... .... DUNNO!!hahahahx.. anyway.. when school start. it will be a newchallenge for me.. a brand new one!!! gonna succeed!!=) (= (= ;P =) (= (= ;P =) (= (= ;P =) (= (= ;P =) (=
Monday, April 7, 2008Y
today, orientation. the talk kinda boring.. listen from
1 to 330.. first is the MC, next the principle,
than CLS director and than Mr Ho Thiam Aik(my tutor)
also also.. singing of SP songs led by director Dr Chai.
den there's also some video on department of student &
alumni affairs and on SP library.. -.-'''
anyway, what's good is on meet-your-tutor session.
not boring at all because got something to do and have
met new friends.. three new friends.. =) two of them
stay at jurong area and the other at woodland.. lol...
have seen the class timetable given by tutor liao.. haix.
hour are quite long and the time table is messy tooo...
the more i look at it and wanted to figure things out,
the more blury i get... hehe ;P
also also... unable to really meet mx yx they all...
our classes are really different. will not be able to meet
during class.. only some days during one hour break
before the next class start.. if not will be after school.
aiyoyo... ... the five of us(mx, yx, xl, hj and me)
coincident get into the same course which we call 缘
but we dun have the 份 to be together in the same class
tmr need to go back school again.. have to attend some
SPICE training... from 9 to 12.. while mx they all is
130 to 430. which means unable to really meet too.
totally different timing.. thus, having flag day..
our class being posted to hougang.. OMGoodness..
that's really far!!! i go work alr need one hour liao.. now,
go hougang, worse man!! one hour plus!!!!!! urgh!!
worse till it start at 8..... uurgh!!! really have to wake up
super duper wooper early!!! then after that at 5 have
Welcome Party @ SP Concourse... aiyoyo....
Sunday, April 6, 2008Y
finally i know what XY mean
that day at JE entertainment toilet...
this is actually what she's talking about! OMGoodness..
is this notice put for quite sometime???
didnt notice it.. central toilet dont have any of this....
[please be mindful of your belongingsat all times while in the cubicle
be wary of thieves that may strike
from the neighbouring cubicle]
[thank you]
but this notice is really really cute! OMGoodness... =)
anyway, suddenly found out something.
i actually forgotten something IMPORTANT!!!
i haven do my prepmath yet! urgh.. due date is 11april..
which is this coming friday.. OMG!!! OMG!!!
i'm dead am i??? got 6lessons to go thru.. urgh!!!
and that's all because i didnt take A maths...
I should have taken it that time... why dun i??
see larx.. now i regretted something...
haix.... =(
只有失去后, 才会懂得去珍惜,
Saturday, April 5, 2008Y
sian!!!!! nothing to do.. suppose to go to JB today. after some consideration by mum. decided not to go cox uncle house is packed of people. his in-law came out from ipoh to stay for afew days and this also means that his xiao yi zi working in spore is also going in JB since their parents is here. and then, means will not have enough rooms to sleep. so therefore she decided not to go.. and means im also unable to go. staying rotten at home lorx. lol...
so decided to explore my new brought lappie.. brought for almost 2 weeks liao and i didnt have the time to really really explore it.. lol.hahaha... btw, there's actually nothing to explore also. NOTHING! Nothing different!. -.-'''
and so decided to explore the net.. went to mama blog which i gotten from her yesterday.. and OMG!! her friends were so cute! her friends make the blog specially for her nehx.. OMGoodness. mama should be very greatful to have this kind of friends worx. =)
next, went to DW kor de blog.. my dearest dearest dearest dearest dearest kor!! he's having some problem in sydney.. sobsob =( seeing what he wrote on his blog really hurting.. feeling sad! and then, he actually online after i finish reading his blog.. and so decided to talk to him about this 'hurting' stuff of his.. no matter what. my dearest kor! you will have my support no matter where am i what am i doing.. you will have my MORAL SUPPORT! =)
Friday, April 4, 2008Y
meet mama at central around 4 and went shopping to buy my shoe needed for school. finish all stuff before at445. den decide to eat at subway.. mama eat dame fast man.. OMG!! i was like half way thru and she alr finish eating!! WAH!!.. and then and then went to santouka.. mama working at 6.. so she go in early early to prepare her stuff and i go in to take my gift that mama wanna give me and also return santouka shirt and get back my $15 deposit.. =)
dong hai came into santouka staff room with XY.. and the 2 of them were super duper wooper funny!! me and mama laugh until SIAO!!! tak boleh tahan!! the 2 of them can go do comedy show together!! REALLY REALLY!! their conversation were super duper wooper funny!! really tak boleh tahan.. thinking of it now.. i still wanna LAUGH!! Oh My Goodness!! should have record their conversation down.. lol hahaha ;P
after that, mama go work liao. and XY finish work at 6. soo... accompany her =) but she was actually meeting her friends at 7 at novena. but they postpone it to 8plus.. and so.... for the next 2 hours she doesnt know what to do.. and then and then we decided to go to the opposite side of central, a shop name fish & chips or stuff like that.. hmmmm. it sell fish and chips jiu dui liao.. we ate there. that shop was 'cool'.. their facilities was OMG!! hahaha.. especially the kitchen.. was _____ nice. something that is dame cool is that, at the cashier, they dun have the cash machine. they used calculater to calculate and their money put in the drawer!!
anyway.. we finish eating at around 7 and XY still got one hour plus more before meeting her friends. and she dunno wad to do. central really nothing to shop.. and den we were thinking of how to settle her one hour plus alone as im have to go le.. and sooo.. i joke with her.. why dun u take the train to jurong east interchange and than transfer to the red line and go novena... and ur time will be fully spend by then.. hahhahahx... and she actually consider about that worx.. OMG!!! but she didnt take the redline to novena larx.. from outram to JE then from JE to raffles to novena.
XY was really cute on the way to JE interchange. OMGoodness.. she looks like a tourist wondering around the places towards JE interchange. she's really really kawaiii nehx. when we were at JE walking towards entertainment, she keep looking around the place exploring it.. she really look like a tourist that time from redhill to JE mrt station. she keep looking outside being so curious.. OMGoodness!!! and then, i finsh my 'tour guide' job from redhill to JE at around 8 and we farewell to eachother..
Wednesday, April 2, 2008Y
:D hahaha... NEVER did he expect that i actully sotsot and go online at night after work when i reach home yesterday. and i check my mail and when i look down the row, subject. something actually strike my attention.
-You got a message! (Open Tiz Message on April 2nd, 2008) (No cheating or peeping until the date stat)-
and by the time i reach home from work it's alr midnight, which means it's alr april 2nd, 2008 and it also means that i can eventually open and see what's inside.. since it alr says..... until the date stat. and so............ there's actually no surprises liao. since i alr know what's going to happen and stuff. but even i didnt open the mail, i actually able to guess one of the place that he's bringing me to on april 2nd. and i knew it long ago that he will bring me there... dunno how come.. he didnt give any clue and i just sense it.. sense that he will bring me there on this particular date. wahahhaha.. aint i CLEVER? lol.....
and on the april 2nd, met him at orchard mrt station at 1230 and because of some reason at home, i met him at 1pm. and because of that we're unable to go to one of the three places that he'd plan.. i suppose i will definitely like that place a lot as it nature.... haix... but he says also because of the weather therefore unable to go there too... =(
before i meet him at orchard mrt station, he msg me and says that he had something to tell me later and i started to have a weird feeling.. the feeling is not good. it's something bad. and in the end when we met, he says that he having sore throat. urgh. my six sense really turn out to be true. really something bad!! but luckily it only started this morning and so.... still got hope to recover by tmr. =D
anyway anyway, since one of the plan unable to proceed, he decided to watch 2movies for the day.. we watch 'horton' and 'empress and the warriors'... it really nice especially empress and the warrior... but i dont really like chen hui ling acting. no good no good..... tze tze tze... lol.. dont think is suitable for her to act this character lorx. doesnt fit her.. still... overall the show is really nice =D after which, we proceed to spore flyers.. hahah... this the one that i actually know that he's bringing me there on this particular date.. and i actually dunno how come i know he wll definitely bring me there..telepathy? lol.. hahahha... anyway, luckily the weather didnt affect us going to spore flyers worx.. but it actually affect watching sunset inside the cabin.. urgh!! have alr miss it for alot of times liao.. hai.. just how many times must i miss in order to really really see it???? =(
bOOoo0000o!! it's midnight! didnt expect me to update my blog at this hour? i didnt expect it myself too.. just suddenly feel like going online blogging.. =)
tdy april 2nd. yesterday! april 1st which is my last day of work in santouka! really my last day.. have told dong hai that on friday i will be going back santouka to return back santouka's stuff. so... will most likely not be working there anymore for the time being since i have decided to give them back the stuff..
anyway. my last day of work.. i do opening and closing. so means i work from 9-11 and have a two hour break in the afternoon.
OPENING: there's only three staff. miyako jimmy and me. and so.... i have to clean the hall alone. have actually forgotten when is the last time i do opening le. i only rmb for last few weeks i do opening will actually help inside the kitchen.. anyway anyway.... miyako actually help me to clean the hall as he had finish his stuff in the kitchen. OMG!! isn't he fast? at that time was only 9.30am. that really super duper wooper fast!!! he's a superman. haha;P but he didnt really help much larx. just help me refill the chopstick box and place it on the table. and he has finish his stuff in helping me. lol... after which after which. he actually treat jimmy and me starbucks. OMG!!! OMG!!! guess wad. miyako actually dunno that april 1st was my last day of work. when jimmy tell him about it then he know. and he actually ask me. izzit april fool. lol. hahah.
duing my two hour break, mx and yx came down to santouka and acc me eat and also do some stuff for mama(xh) and lao gong(xy).. we settle our lunch at santouka and i ate toroniku shio. and guess wad. miyako actually give me alot of toroniku!! really alot. it's almost twice the original amount of toroniku per serving. OMG!!! and that because it my last day. hahaha. i really zhuan dao nehx! ;P yippee!! SHIO IS REALLY REALLY NICE!! I LIKE SHIO RAMEN!! =)
after my break, i stay inside the kitchen and help do some stuff. i was standing at the wash area to wash the rice. and den. suddenly, some stuff hit my head and was dame painful!!! the 'bowl' on top drop down and thar's cox of dong hai.. he wanted to take something and dunno how come it drop and hit my head!! urgh!! i now really dui the wash area you kong ju gan liao.. the first time is cox of xy.. urgh!!!
next, when miyako come back from his break, dunno how come when we(jimmy dong hai miyako and me) standing at the 'side' there, and i was actually smiling happily(forgotten how come) and he actually say i look like a cat when i smile. eh.... lol. i really dun get it lerx. how come. lol.hahahahx. [i actually look like a cat?]
jimmy finish work at 6pm so.. there will not be anybody doing noodle(as in part time staff as xy is off so at night no PT staff for noodle) and then miyako ask me to go do the noodle as i had actually try doing for a few times during OP hour. and he say is my last day so i have to do it!! hahaha.. it was really really cool standing down there lorx. OMG!!! really cool!! =D
at around 8plus, lao gong came down to pass me some gift for my last day.. OMG!! that's really good of her. she off and she actually came down to pass me stuff.. =) and guess wad she actually brought for me..... a box of colour marker/pen and a box of kueh..... -.-''' when i saw the kueh... i was like.. OMG!!! i really laugh until my stomach pain!! and she brought me kueh because that time............ lolx... she really funny sia.. give ppl this kind of stuff.. lolx. but that's really cute of her too.. hahahx.

this is the gift that lao gong gave me..
and this is the kueh that she gave me.. with the price tag on. $4.20.... -.-'''somemore, this kueh is from B.S shop de... lol. hahahax.
then.. dong hai wanted to treat us(xh, mon, vic and me) supper after closing and we actually close the rest at 9.30pm. and finish cleaning stuff at 1022pm. and we walk all the way to chinatown. and went to the dunno what chinese rest/coffee shop to settlel supper. OMG!!! that's so good of him and miyako worx. hahhaa. giving me a farewell treat??? lol. hahaha. then mama and me went back at 1140 like that. and when i reach home.... ....
my last day of work was really fun!! im really hyper that day. so high!!! but kinda she bu de leaving santouka actually! having alot of happy memories in santouka kitchen, hall and staffroom. with the PT and FT staff.. i'll miss SANTOUKA ppl but not the work loads.. hahaha. ;P