Yahoo.. oral finish!! yeah.. now, english O lvl only left with writing.. GAMBATTE!!
Yesterday oral quite easy, I mean easlier then those we have heard from larx.. conversation ask about "do you like school trip," "do you think you can organise a trip," "izzit impt to conserve and look after the environment" and "what is the adv of staying in rural area.. kinda rather easy.. able to understand and ans.. better than the aerospace one.. if ask me about that, I think I might not be able to ans that kind of qn.. :)
Now english lesson at lab 3 doing criterion and those who having oral today having oral with ms chee now.. so lucky of them lorx.. they no need to go for cross country.. URGH!! this year cross country got new thing.. everybody must come back in 50 mins or else will have to run the canel for 2 or 3 round.. haix.. Today those who are having oral will not go for cross country even when they have finish their oral.. when they finish their oral, they just have to go look for mr liew or ms lee and they will let them do something.[be student helper lorx.] so goood... student helper very good one.. I be a student helper during cross country before.. that year was sec 2 bahx.. I think so.. I didnt run because the day before I was having high fever.. therefore unable to run for cross country, mr hon dun let me run.. wahahahahx.. LOLX..